Andy Goldsworthy Activity

April 23, 2020

We invite you to make a site specific installation or sculpture involving natural objects and the passage of time, and photograph it. This can be in your yard, the nearby woods, or the sidewalk out front. Sorting and arranging rocks, leaves, branches, or sea shells reminds us to pay attention to nature’s beauty. We’ve found it is soothing to sit outside and move things around, and wonder if the next person to come by would even notice this little patch of order. You can see some Goldsworthy pieces for your inspiration here, and a few of our own creations:

Send us your finished work by tagging @thepagegallery on social media, or emailing it to

Also worth a look: RIvers and Tides, Andy Goldsworthy documentary, followed 15 years later by Leaning Into the Wind.

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